Why open your pool early?



Algae will grow as the weather gets warmer.

Although it is too cold to swim, it is a great time to start planning your pool opening for the season.  We recommend you open your pool by May 11th.  Did you know that most professionals will open their own pools during the month of April?  Why?  Because they know that opening early means they will open cleaner and it allows them time to deal with any problems that may have occurred over the winter.  Once you remove the cover from your pool you have the ability to see if there are any issues with the pool and the pool equipment.  If you find a problem in April you could order next day service to fix the situation.  Waiting until May or later means you might be on a service list and could likely have to wait, possibly weeks, to have the problem resolved. 

Opening early also helps to eliminate stress later in the season and can save you money.  Pool professionals know it takes time to fix any water problems that can arise due to the warmth of the water.  It is more cost effective to run a pump on low speed early in the season than to purchase the chemicals needed to resolve issues.  A variable speed pump only costs pennies a day,  while the chemicals to fix problematic water are quite costly.  Cold water cleans up quickly and therefore will be less stressful and less frustrating for you.  

Another benefit to opening early…. You beat the crowds!  Spring is the busiest time of the year for pool companies, both in-store as well as for service requests.  The sun has finally come out and everyone is dreaming of the warm relaxing days by the pool. By starting early, your pool looks inviting as soon as the weather is ready.  You also do not have to look at that ugly winter cover.  You don’t have the worry of standing in long line ups or waiting for a team member to be free to answer your questions; without interruption by other clients.  Even if you hire a professional to complete your opening, if you do not book early enough you may end up having to wait weeks to be booked into their schedule.

Spring is the time of year when many people begin to come out of the winter doldrums and are looking for new and fresh ideas. Spring cleaning helps to wash away those blues and add some color to our lives, so why not take this time to freshen and brighten up the backyard?  Make your haven a beautiful spot to relax with a cup of coffee.  It looks so much brighter and lighter without the mess of a unopened pool in your sight.  Once the pool is cleaned you can take the time to relax.

If you are planning on opening your pool yourself, we recommend you read our blogs on DIY pool openings.  Let’s face it, it has been a year since everyone has done a pool opening, a refresher before you get started wouldn’t hurt.

For more information on DIY pool openings, please feel free to click the link.


If you’re interested in signing up for our opening seminar which is scheduled to be held on May 3rd please visit our website at www.rrpools.ca  Reminder:  We only have openings for 30 people, register now so you don’t miss out.

If the task of opening the pool seems too intimidating for you, visit our website at www.rrpools.ca and book an appointment with one of our professional team members.  We will be happy to assist you with this chore.

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