Weapons Of Mass Confusion
It is once again time to think about your pool. The internal fight begins… do you support your local specialty pool store, or have you become enough of an expert to save a few dollars and purchase from the local mass merchant.

Each year you face this dilemma and remind yourself of the following point: The care and maintenance of a swimming pool or spa is very specialized. The knowledge behind keeping water safe and balanced is one that industry professionals acquire over the course of many years in the field or behind the counter at a retail store.
The local pool dealer is an expert in their field. They have devoted their careers to perfecting their suggestions for your individual pool or spa. Pool professionals have seen it all; whether it’s the black algae in your plaster pool, difficulty maintaining chlorine level, cloudy water, or even pink slime and white water molds. They focus their staff on learning all the ins and outs of new approaches to water chemistry, advanced technology, and the latest and greatest equipment available.
What knowledge could an associate in a mass merchant store who has never even maintained a pool or spa possibly offer you when you encounter one of these unfortunate and complicated situations in your own backyard? At best they will be standing in the aisle reading the back of a product out loud, which is something you could do for yourself.
To pool professionals, water chemistry is not a “seasonal” category.
Swimming pool professionals take classes to enhance their skills and perfect their skill of water maintenance so that you can feel confident in their suggestions for your own pool. They test our pool water and tell us exactly what we need to bring it back to “good health.” We are greeted when we walk in the door; they know our names, our pools, and what products we use. When you go to the mass merchant, does anyone know how you can pull a stain out of your liner, or why your daughter’s hair has turned green?
No, of course they don’t. They point you to the pool chemical aisle and tell you your answer may be located on one of the shelves – permitted they have not run out of their allotted stocking amount for the season.
All of these products at the mass store are commodity chemicals. There are no new technologies like you see every year in your local pool store. At the mass merchant you see the same old chlorine and algaecide, sandwiched between the children’s toy section and automotive.

These chlorine and algaecide products are not even the same. It is important for you as a buyer to be fully aware of what you are purchasing. Checking things like percentage available chlorine and active ingredients will help you to make the best choices for your pool or spa maintenance.
It may seem at first glance as though a product sold at a mass merchant is less expensive; however, any savings are counteracted if you use three times as much of the product to obtain the same results you would from a premium quality industry-specific product. We think we are saving a few dollars, yet we are using 3 times as many buckets per year.
Another reason to visit the pool expert is a growing trend to purchase products for a pool that will be safer for children and the environment. There is something refreshing about walking into the local pool store and hearing about “what’s new.” We can now buy products that use less synthetic “oil-based” ingredients and create a safer swimming experience for your family. These products offer this benefit of a superior experience with less impact on the environment.
A vacation from life’s stresses is closer than the cottage, the golf course, or the beach. It is right through my back door.
Your backyard is, after all, an extension of your home. A bout with algae or a cloudy pool can ruin a good portion of your swimming season. A pool expert will ensure this doesn’t happen, but if it does, they are there to help you. Support your local pool dealer because they understand the purpose of your backyard pool, and best of all – they care.
Another reason to visit the pool expert is a growing trend to purchase products for a pool that will be safer for children and the environment
Post provided by, Natural Chemistry, Backyard Times, Summer 2012 edition https://www.facebook.com/BackyardTimes