
Are you or someone you know contemplating purchasing a house with a swimming pool?  You wouldn’t purchase a home with a house inspection, so why would you purchase a swimming pool without having it inspected?

Home inspectors are not qualified to examine the pool and its equipment unless they are a CPI (Certified Pool/Spa Inspector), they also don’t necessarily know the by-laws required for backyard swimming pools to be able to point out any issues with the fencing or safety aspects of the yard.

By hiring a Certified Pool/Spa Inspector you can ensure you are aware of any issues before putting an offer in on your dream home.  A great inspector will be able to provide you with a written report of the pool condition, the equipment condition (providing the pool is up and running – not closed for the winter) and the liner if it is equipped with one, as well as checking that the yard meets the by-law requirements.  They can provide you with a quote for any of the repairs needed, if any, and provide photographs which will show any areas of the pool that they discuss in their report.

Pool inspections don’t have to be just for those contemplating purchasing a home, they can also be requested by a seller should they wish to be able to provide it to any potential buyers or an existing homeowner who just wants a pool inspector to confirm that the pool is in working condition and to receive a quote on any potential upcoming issues so they can fit the repairs in their budget.

A pool inspection should be just as common as a house inspection to protect the buyer from any hidden issues and to help a seller show the pools’ worth to any potential buyers.  Remember, a swimming pool inspection should be completed by a Certified Pool/Spa Inspector, be sure to ask your local pool / spa professional if they are certified and make sure the inspection will include a detailed report with photos.  Your dream is worth it!

Looking for a pool inspection? We’ve got you covered.  You can book an inspection on our website:

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