Pool Winterization: What the Pros Use
The time is coming quickly, many pool owners are already booking their pool closings with us. For those of you out there that prefer to take on the task by yourselves, we have the gear to get the job done right. Our Service technicians do hundreds of pool closings every year, they know the best tools to get the job done! For the Do-It-Your-Selfers out there, here is a comprehensive list of products our experienced pool service technicians believe are the best for the job.
1. Balancing
As always, it is very important to have your pool properly balanced, especially when closing. The chemicals responsible for keeping your pool at its best need to be there when your pool sits stagnant (still) for months on end. For achieving perfect water balance, trust the brand the pro’s use, Bio Guard.
2. Cleaning
Prior to the pool closing it is important to brush walls and thoroughly vacuum the pool. We suggest cleaning your filter the day before you start your pool closing. The best way to do this is to use Bio Guard Filter Brite.

How to use Filter Brite properly:
Sand Filters
- Add Filter Brite to a 10L bucket of water.
- Turn the pump off and remove the lid (for aboveground pools-use the shut off valve in front of your pump).
- Turn the pump back on, with lid off.
- Pour the mixture into the pump.
- As soon as all of the water is in the filter, turn the pump off and put the lid back on the pump.
- Leave pump off overnight.
- In the morning, backwash the pool for 5 minutes and rinse for 30 seconds.
Cartridge Filters
- Dilute Filter Brite into 10L of water.
- Soak cartridges overnight.
- Rinse and allow the cartridges to dry.
As the cartridges dry the fibers tighten, improving their longevity and efficiently.
For removal of any “Bath-tub ring” or other staining (non-metallic), Bio Guard Off-The-Wall is the perfect product!
3. Solar Cover
Your regular solar cover is not meant to be used for a closed pool! Remove the cover and give it a good clean, and preserve with Stow Away. Stow away helps to keep your blanket clean and helps avoid unwanted dryness.
4. Professional Closing Kit
Now is the time to add your winter closing chemicals.
This kit contains:
Hiber Shock removes swimmer wastes prior to winterization
Hibernate Algicide II is effective at killing and controlling algae in swimming pools during the winter months
- NEW! Pool Closing Complete is an 3-in-1 concentrated product with anti-corrosion and anti-scale properties + adds water line protection
- Eligible for the Pool Opening Green-Free Guarantee (see in store for details)
If you have had your water tested at least once per month, May through September you are eligible to receive a complementary winter closing kit courtesy of R&R Pools.
5. Antifreeze

To ensure no costly damage is done to your pool over the winter, it is extremely important to apply antifreeze to your pump and plumbing. Bio Guard Hibernate Antifreeze is a lubricating Antifreeze. This is important because it prevents freezing damage as well as seizing of any moving parts in your pump caused by chemicals.
You can save yourself money by closing your pool yourself, but make sure you do it right! These products are tried and tested and are sure to help you close your pool with ease and protect your investment.