Need a Sand / Glass Change? DIY Today!
How to Change the Sand / Glass in your Filter
The silica sand in your filter should be changed every 3 to 5 years. Recycled glass should be changed every 7 to 10 years. An inefficient filter will require frequent backwashing as well as a higher consumption of chemicals.
TIP – Changing the sand in the spring before start up will save you some time as the sand is already dry instead of being wet and clumpy.
Prepping Your Filter
- Turn the pump off.
- Turn the multi port valve/filter head to CLOSE, if the filter doesn’t have a close position plug off the return. (stop water flow from filter to return/jet)
- Close all shut off valves or plug the skimmer. (stop water flow from skimmer to pump)
- Remove the drain plug to allow the filter to empty.
- Remove the bolts or clamp on the filter head and lift the head off.
Sand / Glass Removal
- Remove the sand / glass with a wet/dry vac or scoop out by hand with a cup or ladle. If the sand is wet, you can tape a stick to the wet/dry vac for easier removal.
- Be careful not to tip the filter, this can cause damage to the laterals inside.

Part Inspection
- Remove the laterals and stem/pipe from the filter, some snap or screw off the stem/pipe.
- Soak the laterals to remove all debris. If chemicals were used rinse them before installing back in the filter.
- Rinse the filter tank with water.
- Replace all broken parts.
Add Sand / Glass
- Place the drain plug back on the filter
- Place the stem/pipe and laterals back into the filter.
- Fill the filter tank half full of water. By doing this the weight of the sand / glass won’t break the laterals.
- Cover the top of the stem/pipe so sand doesn’t fall into it.
- Add the sand. The amount of sand required is noted on the filter tank.
- Reassemble the filter head and open all plumbing.
- Start up the system on backwash to rinse all loose sand from the plumbing. If you don’t backwash the loose sand will end up in the pool.