It’s never too late- Live Life Now!
Indulging yourself, your family and your friends never goes out of style

photo credit: Beautiful brunette woman on the beach alone relaxing in a hat. Summer. Outdoors. Copy space. Concept via photopin (license)
I hear stories like this all the time: “I wish I had put in a pool when the kids were young, but we couldn’t afford it or the time wasn’t right.” It’s a sentiment tinged with regret, because many people believe that the moment has passed, never to be recaptured. But I can tell you, after 30 years in the pool industry, it’s never too late — dreams can become a reality anytime.
It doesn’t matter if you have a young family, are on your own again after the kids have grown up and moved away, or they’ve come to visit with the grandchildren. Indulging yourself, your family and your friends never goes out of style.
Life is short and we should take every opportunity to seize the day and make memories that last. I’ve seen it time and again, those tentative first steps when people think about installing a pool — how a family’s excitement builds as the design is laid out and work begins, when friends and neighbours come by to see how things are going — and the pool party and sense of community that’s created when the water’s in and it’s opening day!
This is what stays with us, moments that we’ll talk about when the day is long gone, but the memories still remain.
I’ve been very lucky these past 30 years to have had the pleasure of making backyard dreams come true, and I’m looking forward to even bigger and better things working side-by-side with my daughter Kara and the team at R&R.
So, if you’ve always wanted a pool in your backyard, today’s the day. Give us a call, send us an email and let’s get started. Don’t delay — live life now.
Derek Redden
Owner, R&R Pools