Did you here the news? R&R Pools loves giving away free advice

Every year, twice a year, sometimes 3 times a year, we hold our educational classes on how to Open your pool, how to winterize the pool, and every couple years we have a seminar on how to maintain your pool. Every time we learn something new, we can’t wait to share it with everyone.
At our seminars, our own Mike Corrigan from BioGuard in Ontario teaches us all the does and don’ts of the pool chemistry side. Mike teaches us all about the 3 legged stool that makes up our pools. Chemicals, filtration, and circulation. If all three of these things are where they need to be the pool will be sparkling all season long.
Also at our seminars we always have the office staff, Brandy, Mary and Kara there to answer any questions you may have about pricing or chemistry of your pool. Of course we cannot forget our service team, there is always a few there as well.
Brandy is the manager of our service department, otherwise known as Brandy the “Solutions Analyst” If you have ever called in to get parts or request service, you have spoken to Brandy. Brandy is the best at sourcing out parts and getting you back to enjoying your backyard vacation in the fast way she can. Thanks for such a great job Brandy, without your help our service team and customers would be lost.
Most of you that have been in the store know me (Mary). I am usually the one keeping you posted wit hall the new events an ideas on Faceboook and writing you information blogs weekly. I have been looking after all your needs for chemicals, and helping you all with your pool and hot tub water problems. I am better known as the Happiness Coordinator. Whether it is toys or chemicals, if your pool is cloudy or sick, I am your girl!
Our manager Kara Redden is also there to share her knowledge and answer all your questions. Kara has many years’ experience. Kara and Ryan travels during the winter going from one seminar to the next to get all the newest information on pools and how to save you time, and money. Kara brings back all her findings, tests them and if they are up to R&R Pool’s standards of good quality and durable products she then brings them to you our customers. Kara over sees our day to day operations, it is thanks to Kara that you get the service that we are so proud of supplying you.
Then of course you will usually see Derek Redden, the owner of R&R Pools. Derek is always available to answer all your questions on the ins and outs of your pool. Everyone that knows Derek knows that a seminar without him there is just not the same. Also you will also see one or two of our senior techs there as well, ready and willing to share all their great ideas and years of knowledge and training.
Our seminars help you put the fun back into owning a swimming pool. We teach you the easiest ways to make your life simple all season long. Owning a pool or hot tub should be the most relaxing time of your life. So let us give that gift to you by teaching you all we know!
We always give each household a gift for coming, and there are lots of door prizes along with snacks and refreshments! Registration is free!!
So let us at R&R Pools, share all our knowledge with you this year.