Swimming is fun, being safe is too

photo credit: Riley floating on back_0724 via photopin (license)
1) Arrange swimming lessons and swim to survive lessons for all family members
2) Restrict access to your backyard pool area and ensure your fence meets local by-law requirements
3)Refrain from propping gates open, or disabling alarms that protect your pool area
4) Always swim with a buddy and w ith adult supervision
5)Do not use slides on above ground pools
6)Stay within sight at all times when children are in or around any body of water.
It only takes a few inches of water for a drowning incident
7)Always watch children closely when playing with inflatable toys or swimming in life-jackets as these do not replace adult supervision
8) Always have a designated phone by the pool for calling 911

photo credit: Disney – Day 3 via photopin(license)
Drowning can happen to the most experienced swimmers. It is known as the fastest,
silent and preventable death related injury. If you practice pool safety on a daily basis
you will have hours of fun and be able to enjoy the health benefits that swimming provides.
It only takes a few minutes a day to stay safe, and a life time of fun.
Keeping loved ones safe is near any body of water is a full time job. So remember to never turn your back even for a second, to flip the burgers or answer the phone or grab another towel. If there is no one avalable to help you with these things then its time for the kiddies to get out of the pool while you attend to the things you needed to do.
The LifeSaving Society is always having classes for all ages on Swimming Survival skills. This is a great way to start being safe. We at R&R Pools have signed on for another year of sponsoring grade 3 children in HRM to learnwater safety with the LifeSaving Society, Swim to Survive Program.
Pool rule signs are available at R&R Pools, drop in and see us. We will gladly show you all the options that are available.
If you have any questions or concerns with water safety or what your by-laws are for your area, please contact us at R&R Pools 902-876-2773, we are here to help you stay safe for years to come.