Pool Opening Webinar
Learn how to open your Pool like a pro from your own home! Our own Mike Corrigan from Bioguard will be sharing his knowledge with us in online webinars!
For Above Ground Pool owners on Wednesday, April 15th at 7:00pm
For In Ground Pool owners on Thursday, April 16th at 7:00pm
- What should you do with your winter cover
- What chemicals do you add and when
- How do you hook up your equipment
We will also be recording this and putting a link up so you can re-watch if needed.
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For In Ground Pools: Thursday, April 16th at 7pm
Use the following to sign in:
Meeting number: 963 620 209
Meeting password: 6YmbHmZPX34 (You can copy/paste this password but make sure there is no space at the end)
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Access Code: 188 533 8
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