March Break Madness

March break can be a time of madness while everyone tries to make plans, follow plans, change plans, cancel plans, rework plans, make plans for plans… the list can go on. March Break should be a time for family to be together, for students to have fun while parents relax. For everyone to take a break from their everyday ordinary and do something memorable. Whether you decide to spend your break at home or take a vacation, we have tips to help you get past the madness.
Making an unforgettable staycation
For those of you who elect to stay home for the break, consider turning this time into a mini vacation. Plan out your staycation to avoid slipping into your weekend habits and to give yourself the feel of a get-away vacation.
- Consider staying at a local B&B. If you do plan to stay in your home, help present a different feel. Add flowers to the bedroom, place a mint on the pillows, purchase some nice candles or a different blend of coffee than your usual. Just changing a few small things for the week can make you feel relaxed. If money allows, hire a maid to come in a time or two so you don’t fall back into your usual habits.
- Choose to be a tourist in your own hometown. Plan a visit to the waterfront, or the museum. Go into a store that you’ve only window shopped at before. Plan a trip to a local historic site and learn about the history of your own city, you may find out some new tidbits that you didn’t know about previously. Make reservations at a restaurant you have heard great reviews about but have never gone to. Take your camera and photograph everything. There are so many options available that we don’t even consider because we don’t typically play tourist at home.
- Be vague about your plans. There is nothing worse than a colleague who knows you didn’t leave town for your vacation calling you for help. “I know your off, but so and so called in sick today and we could really use your help”. Being vague with your friends also means they won’t be inviting themselves to your family time or asking you to drop your family plans to “hang out” or help them with something they have going on. Even better, turn off your cell phone for the week.
Tips on Travelling:
For those who are travelling during March break, remember that the areas you are thinking of visiting may be busy with their breaks or other vacationers as well.
- Make plans and enlist the help of those that are travelling with you. This allows everyone to have their say on what they would like to see and makes everyone aware of the itinerary which can help alleviate surprises and complaining from your travel group.
- Once the decision of the location is made, double and triple check all your bookings and emails to ensure there are no surprises. Make a list of what you want in your suitcase, and double check that you haven’t forgotten anything. It can be difficult when little Susie can not sleep without her blankie…and the blankie is at home in the crib. Take the list with you when you travel, so you can double check that your not leaving anything behind at the hotel.
- If you are travelling with children, ensure they are getting enough sleep during the vacation to keep them from becoming cranky. Packing your own snacks will not only save you a few dollars but will ensure that they choose something healthy to eat throughout the trip. When you do visit a restaurant, encourage them to try something new and healthier than fries.
Whatever you and your family decides to do this March Break, have fun and create lasting memories.